【Impact Hub Kyoto協力】現代京都藝苑2015のお知らせ
Meaningful Content
気づきや創意あふれるイベント時流にあおられず、物事の本質を探求できる京都で、いまの社会を変え「もう一つの世界」を創り出すために、気づきや創意あふれるイベントや講座を企画します。メンバーたちが時間をかけて互いの志・感性を深め合う機会をより重視して、(1)HUB Kitchenをはじめ、新しいコミュニティの形を探るもの、(2)HUB Reconnect など自分の心身を調えるもの、(3)HUB Idea Pitchingや起業塾などプロジェクトを育むもの、(4)HUB Inspire Me! といった各自の活動のヒントや知的刺激を得るためのもの、という4種類のプログラムを構想しています。
Vibrant Community
誰もが歓迎されるコミュニティ千年以上の深い文化と現代的な感性が巧みに融合する京都にあって、Impact Hub Kyotoは、多彩な分野、多様な年代の独自性ある人たちが出会い、渦巻き、磨き合う台風の目のようなコミュニティを目指します。年齢・国籍・肩書きを問わず、誰もが歓待され、各々の個性が生かされる活気に満ちたコミュニティをゆっくりと丁寧に創っていきたい。そして、世界中のHubの同志たちとつながることで、地球規模でのコミュニティへと開かれていきます。
Toshiko ASAI
Managing Director of Information Workshop, Inc.
Founder of Impact Hub Kyoto. Involved in projects to promote and support the Knowledge Community in Kyoto for a long time. In…
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Toshiko ASAI
Managing Director of Information Workshop, Inc.
Founder of Impact Hub Kyoto. Involved in projects to promote and support the Knowledge Community in Kyoto for a long time. Interested in inheriting social resources including local people, climate, tradition and culture in a creative manner, and engaged in a wide range of projects for universities, governmental institutions, companies and the citizen sector to create attractive places (BA) with the use of these resources.
Major achievements: Founded the Kyoto Digital Archive Research Center. Launched COCON KARASUMA. Involved in the establishment of the Kyoto Prize and the implementation of education programs at the Inamori Foundation.
Titles: Representative of Information Workshop Inc., representative of Authentic Japan Inc., secretary general of the Japan Society of Information and Communication Research Kansai, board member of the Kyoto Seishu Netsuke Art Museum, part-time lecturer at Bukkyo University
Masato ASADA
Advisor of the Kyoto municipal town development project
Graduated from the Faculty of Law of Doshisha University. Organized many events and projects with Kenshu Kamura, the represen…
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Masato ASADA
Advisor of the Kyoto municipal town development project
Graduated from the Faculty of Law of Doshisha University. Organized many events and projects with Kenshu Kamura, the representative of home’s vi since their collage days. Worked as a planner for a travel agency, focusing on friend-making. Founded the specified non-profit corporation “home’s vi (place and connection laboratory).” Lives in Kamikyo-ku and acts as an advisor of the Kyoto municipal town development project, creating new town lifestyle models to connect people in virtual and real worlds under the theme, “Create life and work with a playful spirit.”
Representative of home’s vi (place and connection laboratory), specified non-profit corporation
Graduated from the Faculty of Agriculture of Kyoto University. Experienced the marketing of personnel and salary system devel…
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Representative of home’s vi (place and connection laboratory), specified non-profit corporation
Graduated from the Faculty of Agriculture of Kyoto University. Experienced the marketing of personnel and salary system development. Applied for the 2004 unprecedented software adoption project, an community revitalization IT project organized by the Information Technology Promotion Agency and then launched an IT company in Kyoto. Interested in NPO and social entrepreneurial activities, and then founded the specified non-profit corporation “home’s vi (place and connection laboratory)” in 2008 and serves as the representative. Assumed the director of the Secretariat of the Kyoto City Future Creation 100-member Committee and a part-time lecturer of the Faculty of Humanities at Kyoto Seika University.
HP (in Japanese)
浅井 俊子
ImpactHubKyoto創設者(株)情報工房 代表取締役/情報通信学会関西センター事務局長/仏教大学非常勤講師
Impact Hub Kyoto創立者。長年、京都において知識コミュニティのプロモーティングやサポート事