日本の伝統芸能、お能がImpact Hub Kyotoで学べます。
The International Noh Institute is pleased to announce the first introduction to Noh theatre course at Impact HUB Kyoto. Participants will learn the basics of Noh chant and dance during 6 meetings.
Noh, Japan’s performing art combining dance, music, drama, poetry and masks, is the world’s oldest extant performance tradition. During this course participants will learn the basics of Noh dance and chant. The International Noh Institute has been training international students, artists and researchers since 1986.
The course will open on the May 21th.
Is this your first time to join our class?
That’s O.K.. We are welcome to participate from this time.
Dates and time
Twice a month on Thursdays, from 18:00 to 21:00 (participants are free to come and go at any time).
Training calendar: May 7, 21 ; June 4, 18 ; July 2, 16.
Participation Fee
Regular: 10,000; Students/Hub members: 8,000 White tabi (split-toe socks) 800yen
Min 6 Max 10 participants