With our guest, venture capitalist Kazutaka Muraguchi, Impact Hub Kyoto facilitator Yukinori Sakurai, and Kenshu Kamura facilitating the event titled “Thoughts on Productive Business,” the second Dojo for Change was held on Sunday, January 26.


☆Mr. Kazutaka Muraguchi☆

Representative of the private venture capital, Nippon Technology Venture Partners http://www.ntvp.com/

Lecture at Keio University Graduate School Management Research (Keio Business School:KBS)


Facilitator、Kenshu Kamura +Yukinori Sakurai
Speaker 、Kazutaka Muraguchi


They spoke about developing businesses, sharing the fruits of one’s labors, and pursuing happiness. They used the metaphor of a tree growing from a small seed, and, by obtaining water and nutrients, the roots spread, the leaves sprout, and finally the flowers bloom.

In order for you, the seed, to sprout, you need “willpower.” The leaves, which symbolize companionship, bend from the ripening of the fruit, and the flowers, which resemble social activity, are allowed to bloom. The quality of the nectar, or the value of the product, is what attracts the customers, and its quality is then enhanced. Through competition and mutual benefit and trial and error, before long, you receive the fruits of your labor.

Because the talk was fun and easy to understand, it steadily drew me in.


Mr. Muraguchi and participants


I, myself, just started a business this January. The way in which I was blessed with many leaves, fortunate connections, was better than I thought, but I cannot deny that there were doubts about how to establish the roots and stems, i.e. the business’s foundation and structure. You must make an effort not to break under the weight of the leaves; don’t let success go to your head.

You need to think about how you will live within society. Namely, you need to decide your own path and interests. In other words, you need to determine how to find happiness for yourself. According to Muraguchi-san, you can become truly happy by discovering your own conclusions as to what the definition of happiness is.


Dialogues among participants


Written by Impact Hub Kyoto member:Sachiko Matsuyama (monomo Inc. http://jp.monomo.jp/)

Translated by Impact Hub Kyoto interns: Daizhen Zheng & Baylee Williams

【HUB Reconnect】
We are happily begin to offer our one of Self Innovative programs HUB Reconnect series called~いのち興し~(Life-Awakening)from this coming April!
The preprogram for the series starts next week. Would you like to join us in the morning and booth up your energy and start your day fresh?


morning activity


☆What is Life-Awakening Program~いのち興し~@Impact Hub Kyoto?

Have you ever thought of exercising in the morning have a different affect compare to exercising at night? Morning is the golden time to energize your mind and body holistically. To set up nice and easy breathing rhythm while you are in the calm environment in the morning helps to create the mood you wish to sense for the day. So let’s make our day start fresh with ~いのち興し~and experience how it feels like to be in calm and sharp in mind and body at the same time.



Practice a approach/technique to center body and mind such as meditation, yoga, feldenkrais or Aikido.
Create collaborative place to share a new idea and thought after practice.
Impact Hub Kyoto is a place for accelerate the business and project start-up for you. At~いのち興し~program, we would like to have a time to share the breakfast together after the practice. Please use this time to speak up your new idea to other members or hosts to make it real! We are always welcome to have new visitors. Do not hesitate to bring your friends, colleagues and family members. Let’s make this place as a Fountain of new creative ideas and the origin of potential collaborative projects. The early birds gets the worm! We are looking forward to share fresh morning air with you all♪

2/12(Wed)、26(Wed)7:00 ~ 8:30
2/23(Sun) 8:30 ~ 10:00
3/12(Wed)、26(Wed)7:00 ~ 8:30
3/16(Sun) 8:30 ~ 10:00
【Participation fee】Non-members 1500yen, Members 1000yen (with tea)


Breakfast at Hub